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How my life changed dramatically after I met JT Foxx (the world's #1 wealth coach and platform s

It was August 2016 when I saw a face book post about a free JT Foxx event in Cape Town, South Africa. Since I never heard about him I googled and asked some of my friends if they new about this man. Wow, so many bad revieIs and negativity! I decided to go and look for myself.I was utterly surprised about his genuine caring attitude and truthfulness when he spoke. Not to mention his authenticity. I was sold! I invested in my first JT Foxx tie, as it was for charity and I bought his Millionaire Underdog book, which he signed for me as well as his CD #1 Coaching program. I was dressed in jeans, a golf shirt and jersey, wearing sneakers and yet he was willing to post for a photo with me. His words I will never forget: “ I believe in You”. Wow, here is a millionaire who does not know me from Adam and he tells me that he believes in me! Right there and then I decided that I will make him proud.

Millionaire Underdog

Hungry for success and determine to learn how I can take my current business to the next level, I started reading JT Foxx book: Millionaire Underdog. NO, I did not only read the book, I devour it. I took the book everywhere with me and read at every change I could get – yes even in the gym!

Easy reading, yet powerful with testimonials of every day people who made a success in their business life and personal life made this book one of my greatest investments. I started applying his principles and my life started to change! Even my friends and social media friends keeps on commenting on how my life has changed for the better! What I also liked was the fact that the contact details of the people that he is writing about is in the book, so a person can contact them to find out it what he he writing is the truth – and I did that. At the end of each chapter is practical assignments – homework to be completed before you can go on to the next chapter. Here I learned about the power of Accountability. In order to grow we need to be held accountable for our every day thoughts and actions. Business is not luck – it is a science full of principles and when you follow these principles – you will have the growth and results that you desire. As JT puts it: Results Don’t Lie!

The Way You Change is the Way You Succeed!

I had to learn to change my perspectives, throw out my box of thinking and become teachable. The first thing I changed was the way I dress. As they say, “dress for success” and wow what an awesome feeling of accomplishment it gives a person when you dress well! Act as if you belong even when you have not made it. You feel well and on top of the world – you feel like you own the world!

Who would have thought that investing in a JT Foxx tie will give you so much “power” and believe in what you can accomplish. Guys, if you still do not owe a JT Foxx tie – I strongly urge and suggest you invest in one or a couple!By following JT’s principles my perception not only of myself changed, but also my perception regarding money and success in business and my personal life changed for the better. I become more bolder, I learned what it means to take more calculated risks and to follow and to trust your gut. I learned about the power of networking and how important it is to separate your business brand from your personal brand. I have never heard of a personal brand until JT pointed that out in one of his many visits to Cape Town. One major aspect JT taught me is to believe in myself and that there is no such thing as “I Can’t! If he can do it, what stops me from doing the same? It takes one man, one deal to change your life forever! For me – it was the day I met JT FOXX - 24 October 2016.

Intelligent Millionaires Network (IMN)

We all love to belong to some group in our life's – it is just human nature. I joined the IMN in Cape Town and was taken aback and Wowed from the moment I went to my first meeting. What opened my eyes was to see that all the members are like minded individuals who want to learn, grow their businesses through powerful intelligent networking. No-one think he or she is better than the next person and we all learn from each other. I made some real good life-long friends. Here I learned from JT about the power of quality networking and the amazing power of Accountability. We have formed our own accountability group that get’s together every 2nd week and we learn from each other, and held each other accountable towards our goals and growth. The amazing fact is that once you join – you have access to all the IMN members in the world! How amazing is that?

Tycoons of Wealth 3 in Johannesburg 2017

Never would I have thought in my life that I will be on stage, in front of 1500 people from 42 different countries and talking about my business! JT Foxx gave me that platform and opportunity.

He interviewed me and made me feel so at ease and comfortable. I was so blessed to have met the amazing humble South African 400m Olympic champion, Wade van Niekerk and the celebrity cast of Pawn Brothers on the same stage! I am so grateful for JT for giving me this amazing opportunity as my this opportunity opened so many wonderful doors for me as well as gave me the confidence I needed to step out on stage in the future.

During this event I even made some important business connections for future business growth.

My first Magazine Interview (Destiny Man Magazine: May 2017)

Doors will open that you never imagined. After JT Foxx interviewed me on stage, I got a call to be featured in my very first magazine: Destiny Man magazine May 2017 edition. What a proud moment in my life!

My first Radio Interview

After my magazine interview 2Oceansvibe Online Radio station picked up on my success story and they invited me over for an interview. What an amazing and proud yet humble experience it was.

Never forget the people that help you on your way up!

Wherever and whenever I can I love to give testimonials of how my life had changed since I met JT Foxx. It is incredible how a person’s self confidence grows and the credibility it gives you as a person and brand. Stories sell. Results don’t lie.

Why did my life changed so much while other people in the same audience don’t? Is a question I get a lot. I can truly say it is because I made the decision to act on the principles that JT teaches and to do whatever it takes. It is a choice.

You can have the same growth and even better growth if you are to invest the time and effort into yourself and be teachable. When JT says that he believes in you and want the best for you – you better believe it because it is the truth!

JT's Wealth Workout (the best business workout ever!)

90 Days of incredible powerful business teachings at your fingertips! What better way to start your day with a daily dose of business principles and practical exercises to get you ready for your day!

Here I have learned to rebrand and re-invent myself, creating powerful motivational quotes and a powerful new personal slogan: Your Results, Our Success.

Day 28 is my most powerful session. Why? Here I learned about selling content and then create it. Here I took the challenge and started to write my very first book: Yes You Can! It is never to late to learn how to become a millionaire in one year!

What an amazing and life changing journey this has been so far and I am so excited about my new feature and my new brand. All because I am putting into practise what I learn from JT Foxx.

The Wealth Workout is worth it – the more you do it the easier it becomes and the more business “fit” you become.

The importance of business coaching

All great successful athletes have a coach or more than one coach. This fact never crossed my mind in having a business coach since JT mentioned it. Wow, that makes completely sense!

How many pitfalls and heartache you will save yourself if you have the right coach to keep you on the right track and held you accountable to your goals and vision!

I had the privilege to spend some quality time with some of the most amazing and powerful coaches in the USA just recently in June 2017. Thank you JT and all the awesome coaches at the JT Foxx foundation. Never again will I go and start a business venture without my correct business coach!

Yes, you can change your life. Yes, you can have great success! Yes, you can have the life that you desire ….Why Not Give JT Foxx a Chance to believe in You? #jtfoxx #coaching #FamilyFirst #change #imnsa

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Karel Vermeulen-
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Coach & Author

I'm a serial entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, business transformational coach, and author.

Yes, You Can! Bussiness Blueprint
(Valued at $250)

Learn the basic business tools you need in order to start, & grow any business idea into a profitable 

Business Plan

Writing A-Z

(Valued at $250)

Learn all you need in order to create a

stellar business plan for your endeavor!

My Book

My book is to inspire and educate people to overcome their fears, doubts, and insecurities to start and build their own successful business.  This is the business blueprint you all be waiting for.

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